Book Clubs

Looking for your next book club pick? Hearts at Dawn's unique combination of romance, magic, and history will give you a lot to talk about!

If you'd like to discuss the book with me, I'd be thrilled to talk to your club via Zoom or Skype. Feel free to get in touch to set up a day and time.

Book Club Discussion Questions for Hearts at Dawn by Alysa Salzberg

1. Which character did you relate to most? Which character did you relate to the least?

2. If you were in Orin’s situation, would you have done anything differently?

3. How did you feel about the author’s choice of setting?

4. Why do you think the novel is called Hearts at Dawn? Do you like this title? If not, what would you have called it instead?

5. The book’s author, Alysa Salzberg, is a big fan of Beauty and the Beast adaptations - both books and films. Did you find any homages to these other adaptations in Hearts at Dawn?

6. What was your favorite thing about Hearts at Dawn? What was your least favorite?

7. If Hearts at Dawn were being adapted into a movie, who would your ideal cast be?

8. Do you think the author did a good job evoking history?

9. Did any of the book’s plot points surprise you?

10. Did you think there was chemistry between Claire and Orin? What did you think was the most romantic moment in the book?